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Judith P. Andersen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto Mississauga
Affiliated Faculty of Medicine | University of Toronto


Professor Andersen is a health psychologist who specializes in ambulatory psychophysiology research on stress and stress-related mental and physical health issues. With more than 15 years of experience working with populations exposed to severe and chronic stress, Professor Andersen’s research program includes three distinct themes:

Theme 1: Professor Andersen is funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) to develop develop and refine evidence-based resilience programs for public safety personnel exposed to trauma and those who are at risk for post-traumatic stress injuries.


Theme 2: Her ongoing research projects include the development and implementation of  evidence-based interventions in North America and Europe to reduce police use-of-force. Through international collaborations with academics and practitioners, her team developed the novel biopsychosocial reality-based training (iPREP) shown to reduce police lethal force errors with the goal of saving lives. Funded work by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), her work demonstrates the complexity of factors that influence police use-of-force. Her multi-method approach investigates police training and visual models that emphasize de-escalation/non-escalation.


Theme 3: Professor Andersen has long been dedicated to addressing health disparities among LGBTQ2S+ persons exposed to discrimination and trauma. Her team’s consistent collaborative work in this area insists on a critical shift away from the historical trend of research that pathologize LGBTQ2S+ persons through the use of illness narratives. Our recent work in this field revolves instead around the myriad, but often overlooked, factors demonstrating LGBTQ2S+ persons biopsychosocial resilience and thriving in the face of on-going challenges.



Post-Doctoral Associate: Cornell University


Post-Doctoral Associate: U.S. Veterans Administration Hospital, Syracuse NY


Ph.D., Psychology and Social Behavior, health psychology specialization, University of California, Irvine


M. A., Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine


M.A., Counseling and Art Therapy, Albertus Magnus College


B.Sci., Pacific Union College, summa cum laude


Mentors include: Peter Salovey, Yale UniversityRoxane Cohen Silver and JoAnn Prause, and Julian Thayer, University of California, Irvine; Lisa Feldman Barrett and Karen Quigley, Northeastern University

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c/o Judith Andersen, Ph.D.


Department of Psychology
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road
Deerfield Hall, #4032
Mississauga, ON Canada L5L 1C6

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